Sunday 2 December 2007

Sample Resumes

We have some sample resumes below. Click for sample functional resume and sample plain text resume.

Sample Chronological Resume

Use this sample resume if you want to highlight your pass work experiences and duties you had in previous jobs.

Joe Bloggs

Current Address
567 current address
Melbourne, 3000
Contact: 03 9999 9999

(Horizontal lines help define different sections)


To obtain a position in public relations using my communication and promotional skills


RMIT University (City Campus)
Bachelor of Arts, English, expected 2005

Related Courses
Public Relations
Consumer Behavior
The Language of Advertising
Writing for Mass Media
Writing for Business

(Students often list education before experience)


Program Coordinator
Campus Activities Council, RMIT University
(Use bullet points to emphasize accomplishments)

  • Initiated and organized the Campus Run for Charity
  • Promoted event with fliers, e- mail, newspaper ads, and campus radio station announcements
  • 1,000 students participated (Good to show your acheivement)

Campus Tour Guide
Office of Recruiting, RMIT University

  • Led weekly tours for prospective students and parents
  • Wrote information sheet explaining campus- housing policy
  • Answered questions and addressed concerns
  • Selected to train new guides

Administrative Assistant
CBLA Business, National Bank, CBA

  • Used Microsoft Word and Excel to type and edit reports
  • Drafted correspondence
  • Complimented for accuracy and attention to detail

(Give approximate dates of employment)

98- present
(Most recent job first)

97- 98

96 and 97


  • Fluent in Chinese (Mandarine)
  • Fluent in Italian
  • Computer Skills (Words, Access, Excel)

References available on request

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